Katie Grevlos Fitness
Here to share, educate, and inspire a community through health and wellness. Stick around for my take on all things mindset, training, movement, nutrition, recovery, and more.
Set Yourself Up for Success: Goal Setting Edition
Hi friends! First updated blog post of 2021 is going to be one you won’t want to miss. If you didn’t catch the title, this one is all about goal setting and how to use it to implement effective change in your life starting today. In fitness, health, and any aspect of life, goal setting is important. Goal-setting is linked to higher self-confidence, motivation, autonomy, and achievement. However, in order for goal setting to be effective, a systematic goal-setting approach must be designed and carried out. By applying the guidelines presented as steps below, you, too, can learn how to be successful in setting and achieving goals that will help transform your life for the better. So, do yourself a favor and keep reading.
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