And The B E S T Diet Goes To…
In celebration of National Nutrition Month, I’m coming at ya with valuable information about a diet you can stick to. And by “diet,” I really mean a way of eating to meet your goals that is sustainable for your lifestyle.
I realize that seeing, reading, and/or saying the word, “diet,” out loud can be scary for most. There seems to be an incessant negative connotation associated with that word and in my opinion, it shouldn’t and certainly does not have to be that way. Unfortunately, there is way too much misinformation on the inter-webs about nutrition and which type of eating patterns are best to “drop 20 lbs in 30 days” and “get fit fast,” etc., etc.. Believe it or not, these quick fixes are not the way to go. Neither is hopping on the latest “low fat, low carb, gluten free, keto, fasting…” diet trend without doing your own research beforehand. Doing so will likely lead to more harm than good. And trust me, you do not want to go down that road – been there, done that…*insert eye roll here.* The truth is, there is no magic “one size fits all” diet that will get you the results you so desire. In fact, the best diet is actually one you can stick to.
Let me say that again.
The best diet is the one you can stick to! At the end of the day, adherence to and enjoyment of said diet is what rules and determines long-term success.
Think about it. Doesn’t it make total sense that the more you enjoy what you eat, the more likely you are to keep eating that way? Yes? Then why not make it as simple as that? Altering your nutrition to see results doesn’t have to be miserable or something that feels like a chore each day. Does it take time, effort, and a little planning? Yes, of course. However, compared to all of the aforementioned diet plans, trends, and fads, this one is freeing, eliminates restriction, and will actually deliver trusted results. Promise.
Obviously, there is no one diet that fits all. People have different likes, dislikes, preferences, priorities, goals, etc. Therefore, you need to find a way of eating that fits your own individual lifestyle, wants, and needs. Copying others without tailoring anything to how you live your life never works well (be it fitness related or not). With that being said, finding your ideal diet may not always come easy, nor may it always stay the same. Life happens. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Experiment. If one thing doesn’t work, try something else. Repeat this process until you find your solution.
Here are a few general recommendations for a healthy, balanced, and sustainable diet:
Eat foods that are nutrient dense – The majority of your foods should include fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, healthy fats, and high quality protein sources.
Eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods – Fill your plate with a variety of nutrient-dense foods to maximize every meal. The more color, the better. Different foods provide different types and amounts of key nutrients. Food variety allows for adequate intake of all vitamins and minerals, while minimizing the risk of a vitamin and/or mineral excess and/or deficiency.
Reduce consumption of processed, packaged food – Compared to foods that are nutrient dense, foods that are processed and packaged do not provide a stable source of energy. They are not as fuel efficient. Now, more than ever, we need to keep our immune systems strong. Vitamins, minerals, lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats will provide our bodies with the fuel we need for long periods of time.
Prepare majority of meals at home – When meals are prepared at home, you know exactly which ingredients and how much of each are going into your food. You are in control of what you eat. By doing so, we have a much greater opportunity to make healthier choices.
Create an even spread – Aim to spread your macronutrient intake evenly throughout the day. This will optimize energy levels and keep your digestion tract on track.
Hydrate properly – Water helps increase productivity, reduce stress, regulate appetite, improve concentration, control body temperature, and more. Slowly increase your water intake until you can reach at least half of your body weight (lbs) in ounces of water.
Treat yourself – The 80/20 rule is king. Aim to keep at least 80% of your intake filled with wholesome, nutrient dense foods, with the remaining 20% left open for less wholesome, nutrient dense foods (I call these “fun foods”). If you want a piece of chocolate or another sweet (or savory) treat during the day, let yourself have one. Just don’t overdo it. If you restrict yourself from eating the foods you enjoy, you will go crazy. Trust me. I know. #moderation365 baby. It works.
Stay happy, stay healthy, stay hydrated.